Saturday, 25 April 2020

"The Chloroquine used as a Therapeutic Agent for COVID-19 is not the same as that used for Malaria"

 -Professor Egbengu Philip

Professor Egbengu Philip is the Chief Executive Officer CEO of Royal Victoria Clinic at Foncha Street, specifically at Virgin Land (Loh Benson Quarters), Bamenda in the Northwest Region of Cameroon. He is also a Professor and Head of the College of Medical Studies at the Catholic University in Bamenda, Cameroon. In this interview accorded him by Cameroon People Magazine, the learned Professor states unambiguously that the Chloroquine that is used as a Therapeutic agent for COVID-19 is not the same regular Chloroquine that we buy from the Pharmacist's for the treatment of Malaria. The Professor begins by touching on the alarming spread of the Flu Virus in the world. He was interviewed by Francis Ekongang Nzante.

Professor Egbe Philip Egbengu

The COVID-19 Pandemic which has been raging all over the world has become a cause for concern for all nations , towns and communities. The methods used in managing the Pandemic so far have varied from country to country based on their perceived knowledge of the virus and on their health capabilities in terms of material, personnel and facilities on the ground

Precisely what type of virus is the COVID-19?
The virus itself is a Flu Virus like many other Flu Viruses. Before this virus came, we had the SARS virus. Before SARS came we had the Respiratory Syncytial Virus and other viruses which are Flu related. The whole idea of the Coronavirus has been in existence and all the Flu Viruses are Corona. They are called Coronaviruses because the surface membranes are like crowns. They have spikes like on a crown and that's how they derive the name Corona. It has been in existence for long but with this particular episode, we have a variant of the Coronavirus which is the COVID-19 and its more virulent than the previous ones. As children we had Flu in our Tropical and Equatorial Environments which we handled almost offhandedly but in the cold environments viruses thrive more. That's why we may think that being a Flu Virus it may not be so virulent in the Tropics or Equatorial Regions. 

Many Conspiracy theories still doubt the Existence of the Coronavirus...

This particular version of the Flu Virus is claimed to have originated from Wuhan City in China but how it came about is not a matter for us to conjecture. It is there and we have to deal with it. Let me categorically state here that it is real. It hit China, its in Europe in France, Italy, England, Spain and is now creating a lot of havoc in the United States.

What do you think should be the focus of Cameroon as a nation in the fight against COVID-19?

 Considering that the world is now a Global Village, when it hits one end of the world, before you know it, its all over the world and that's why we should take particular precautions to guard against it more on the bases of preventive measures than curative measures. This is because when it hits us, we are going to find ourselves in the doldrums because our health facilities are not ready. We are not capable in all the ramifications, personnel, material and facilities so we have to emphasise on preventive measures. Numerous preventive measures have been circulated around the place but we want to rely on our Ministry of Health because they have a very well circumscribed description of the conditions and measures to be taken. 

How exactly is the COVID-19 spread?

Of course we know that it is spread by Droplet Contamination and so the importance of wearing face masks cannot be over emphasised. The Ministry of Public Health in Cameroon has made it clear that everyone must wear a face mask atleast within the periode when we think that the virus is still there floating around. Secondly it thrives for variable durations on surfaces. This is the reason why they emphasise on hand washing and hand sanitizers as well as the cleaning of surfaces which come in contact with hands. 

To what degree do you think Cameroonians are responding to measures put in place by MINSANTE and the WHO?

To a very fair degree, I would say that the population is responding favourably. In Bamenda when I moved out today I noticed that about 80 to 90% of the population put on their masks. 

How is  the Victoria Royal Clinic contributing to the fight against the spread of COVID-19?

In our own small way, we are trying to make the thing prevented. Because when it gets here, its going to be disastrous and we pray it never gets here. At the Royal Victoria Clinic, we have put in place very stringent measures. When you came in you saw what happened. They kept you somewhere and they put you on hand Sanitizer before you got closer to the people and luckily you came in with a mask and that keeps us safe. In hospital environments we receive all sorts of people and we are at high risks so we take extra measures to protect ourselves because in doing so we are also protecting the community. We have large volumes of Hand Sanitizers and we have bottles on every table and in each office, every room and at every bedside. As you enter here, your hands are sanitized and as you leave the same procedure takes place. The cleaning of the surfaces and the floor is done every three hours and I personally make an hourly walk through to make sure that things are in place. 
We are are practicing all the preventive measures put in place by the Ministry of Public Health, our menthor.

What is your take on the way it is being handled at the National Level?

At the National level, there was a little bit of tardiness at the initial level and we cried foul that adequate measures were not being taken. Apparently it was out of the natural apathy for  things like that and the natural slow response from our environment. We are not proactive but recently, the Government has woken up to the call and has fully taken its responsibility. Even on phone now, every call begins with some information on COVID-19 which is laudable and that must have been sponsored by the Ministry of Public Health.

Talking about the use of Chloroquine, many people still seem to be confused about this.

Coming to the issue of the use of Hydroxy Chloroquine lets be very clear. When we talk about Chloroquine being a Therapeutic Agent for COVID-19 we should have it very clear that it is not the regular Chloroquine we sell in the market for maleria. It is a hybrid of Chloroquine which is Hydroxy Chloroquine which in the past had been sold in Cameroon under the proprietary name PLAQUENIL. It was used to treat Severe Acute Arthritis. People should get it very clear. It is not Chloroquine Sulphate that we use in the treatment of Malaria. Unfortunately for those of us who were using it to cure Arthritis, we have completely run short of it in the market. 
PLAQUENIL is out of stock and the layman in the street believes that it is Chloroquine. The problem with Chloroquine is that people take it to prevent which is completely out of the question here. Chloroquine has a very toxique side effect and it can cause Arrhythmias; Irregular Heart Beats. These are things which on themselves are very toxique  so people must be very careful when they take Chloroquine. Science has not yet proven that Chloroquine is that effective. There have been a few publications on the use of HydroxyChloroquine as a Therapeutic Agent in association with Azithromycine. The studies have been done in France and repeated in other countries  and patients have responded to these Treatment Cocktails but again in the Scientific world we need more evidence than just running a few samples on some people and coming out with some assertions which we want to hold true. More studies have to be done and we are looking forward to that. We really pray that Hydroxy Chloroquine does the job. From the small samples they have done, the results have been very encouraging. 

If deemed necessary, when exactly should HydroxyChloroquine be used?

I warn that it should not be used as a Prophylaxis because using it as preventive will generate the problem of resistance. When COVID-19 become full blown in our society and we want to use it for treatment, the responses will not be effective. 
Interviewed by Francis Ekongang Nzante Lenjo

Edev Newspaper: Email: Tel: +237696896001/ 678401408

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